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Invitation to a community hui

Tina Pope

Tena Koe kotou. It is time to meet again.

Welcoming all to a community hui to share progress on the Paekakariki Housing Trust

St Peter's Hall 25th of June


BYO finger food lunch & refreshments.

Our hui in February, attended so enthusiastically by many of you, gave us the encouragement and momentum to get the ball rolling with what is known as The Paekākāriki Housing Trust.

Since then, a few of us have done the initial legwork needed to become a formal trust, and also begun designing the financial model so that investment can begin soon.

We are very pleased to now be able to share the research we’ve been doing, and are looking forward to hearing your feedback. What better way than over a shared lunch. Please join us!

If you cannot attend, but would like to receive the minutes, or express an interest in either becoming a trustee or an investor, please make sure we have your email address by emailing.

We want to update you on work done so far, ideas for a collective purchasing model to support the aims of the Trust, next steps in the formal establishment of the Trust, including feedback from the first hui and validation of your input to the kaupapa of the Trust, and (drum roll please) call for Trustees!

It will be a snappy 1 hour meeting followed by a potluck lunch. VOLUNTEERS WELCOME! to help with welcoming, organising food, and clean up.

Please contact Linda McLaughlan (022 416 9820) or Kerren Hedlund (027 396 8431) if you can help. For more information on our work so far:

If you can’t make it but would like to receive the minutes, or express an interest in either becoming a trustee or an investor, please make sure we have your email address by emailing


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